Google-sheets – How to plot time series graph with categories

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-chartstime series

I've data in Google Spreadsheets, with columns as follows:


For example:

22.12.2010 APPLES    1 20
23.12.2010 APPLES  100 20
23.12.2010 ORANGES  32 12

I need to plot this data on a graph, with separate lines for each category and counter. I can't figure out how to do this.

Any clues?

Best Answer

Alexander, as stated in my comment on the 27th of November 2012, I see no possibility to add all the series into one chart, like the way you present them. I did however found a way to do it, but this approach is heavily compromised:
enter image description here
The trick is to create fruit dependent counters. See example file I've created: Fruit Counters
I hope I'm wrong and that somebody else finds the solution.