Google-sheets – How to populate a cell in one spreadsheet to a cell in another spreadsheet in the same workbook

google sheets

In Google Spreadsheets I have created a master spreadsheet that I complete with the amounts of the items needed. I would like those numbers to auto populate in each individual spreadsheet in the workbook.

How do I do this?

Best Answer

You can't "push" a value (say from master spreadsheet to another) but you can "pull". So if A1 in Sheet1 is say 333 you can call that up in another sheet with =Sheet1!A1, or if say 01/01/1900 in Sheet1 you might give that a name, say bDay and use =bDay in another sheet to call up 01/01/1900.

Unfortunately I am not aware of a 'Group' facility for New Google Sheets (such as Excel has) and whatever you do seems will be required for each individual spreadsheet separately.