Google-sheets – How to print a report for each row

google sheetsgoogle-formsprinting

How do I print a report of a spreadsheet such that row n is all printed on a single page. That is, row 1 is on page 1, row 2 is on page 2, etc.

The issue is that some columns have large amounts of text. Like:


By "report" what I mean is that each record of the database, reflected here as a single row, prints or displays each field on a single page. For a flat table or spreadsheet this would mean that columns are displayed as rows. With the proviso that each record (row) displays or prints on a seperate page.

When inputting data into Google forms, it often looks similar to:


and, then, when printing from Google forms, each record, as entered, can be printed. Optionally, Google forms also exports to a spreadsheet.

I have a spreadsheet which I want to print as if it were a Google form. The spreadsheet originated as SpiceWorks tickets and can be imported to a database as a flat table.

(Looking to use Google sheets rather than a database or report generator. I'm sure Crystal Reports would accomplish the task, but that would be overkill.)

Best Answer

to print a row per page you need to change row's heigh by Resizing row...

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