Google Sheets – How to Reuse Google Apps Scripts in a New Spreadsheet

google sheetsgoogle-apps-script

I'm having an issue. Whenever I create a new spreadsheet, I'm not able to add a script I've already created. The list for recent projects or scripts is always blank. Anyone have a resolution or do I always have to copy the script code and insert it into the spreadsheet?

Best Answer

You can add your script as a library in the new spreadsheet. Lets start from the beginning. This sample code will add a string to the active cell:

function libTest(text) {
  var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()

Save the script, by creating a version:
enter image description here

Next, copy the Project Key from the script editor:
enter image description here
enter image description here

Publish the script as a web app (execute only you):
enter image description here

In the new spreadsheet, open the script editor. Chose Manage Libraries from the resources option and enter and select the key/library:
enter image description here

In the script editor you can now add the following code:

function test(){