Google Sheets – How to Recombine Text into One Line

google sheetsimportxml

=index(ImportXml("", "//div[@class = 'companySummary']" ),0,1)

Put that anywhere in a Google sheet and it will give you a cell with a block of text. This text is in a paragraph form and takes up several lines. How do I use formulas to make it so the text is one line? It's possible because I can do it by hand if needed.

I've tried:

=join(" ",split(A1," "))

Best Answer

Short answer

Use the following formula

=SUBSTITUTE(A1,Char(10)," ")


IMPORTXML added line feed characters which ASCII code is 10. An alternative to the use of Char(10) is to add a breakline (CTRL + ENTER) and enclose it in quotes marks:

"," ")