Google Sheets – How to Remove Insignificant Decimal Points

formattinggoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-cell-format

I'm trying to format a number in Google Spreadsheets. I want it to show the thousands comma, then a period ., followed by mostly 3 digits, only when necessary.

For example:

  • 1,234.56789 => 1,234.568
  • 1,234.5 => 1,234.5
  • 1,234 => 1,234
  • 1,234.00 => 1,234

I tried #,#.#, but then the period shows up always. #,#.0 doesn't omit the decimal point when its value is zero.

Best Answer

closest you can get is to use 1+ column

  • go to 123 or Format
  • select Numbers
  • select More formats
  • select Custom number format...
  • type: #,###.###
  • and corect it with: =IF(RIGHT(A2;1)=".";SUBSTITUTE(A2;".";"");A2)