Google Sheets – How to Replace Blank Cells with Zeros

google sheets

I have a spreadsheet where someone else entered the data. They left blank cells instead of recording 0 values. How can I replace the blank cells with 0s?

I tried find and replace with regular expressions using ^$, but it did not work.

Best Answer

I assume you only want to do this in a certain part of the spreadsheet, and that it's a one-off problem which you need to fix, not something you need to repeat.

For this, the simplest approach is to find another area the same shape and size (perhaps in another worksheet), and not currently used.

In each cell in that area, set the forumula to something like this (depending on the cells you use):


The select the data from the 2nd area, copy it, and paste it back to the original using Edit > Paste Special > Paste values only

You may need to re-apply some of the formatting (eg date formats), but the values will be there.

fyi, I have put a worked example of this approach here: