Google-sheets – How to reverse columns in a spreadsheet

google sheets

I have a google sheet with columns A->Z. I would like to reverse the actual columns without having to manually move each column one by one.

Is there a way to do this?

Best Answer

This is fairly quick for reversing the columns if it's just data.

Try this

  • Add a row above the top row.
  • Add numbers to this running from 1 to 26
  • Create a new sheet, and name it transpose.
  • In it A1=Transpose(range) where range is the occupied area of your original sheet.

At this point each column became a row.

  • Select all, and paste special values only
  • Right Click column A (the label, not A1) and sort in descending order.
  • Create a new sheet name it reversed
  • Do the same transform now from Transpose.
  • Select all paste values.

File Name version.

Depending on how your formulas work this might work.

  • Go back to original sheet.
  • Copy the area of interst.
  • Go to reversed
  • Paste special -- formulas.