Google-sheets – How to Run a Query in GoogleSheets for New 26-Week Highs Using GOOGLEFINANCE Function

google sheets

I'm looking to run a query in GoogleSheets using the GOOGLEFINANCE function to pull down a list of stocks reaching new 26-week highs (limited to US companies or perhaps more simply US stock markets).

A previous question resolved the issue of computing a specified stock's 26-week high price. I'm seeking to create lists throughout the day of stocks creating new 26-week highs for the day.

I've looked for an ImportHTML function solution but Google Finance Stock Screener does not have produce such lists.

Can anyone advise how to create such a stock-screen query or any other function in GoogleSheets using Google Finance's data to get the results?

Best Answer

The GoogleFinance command retrieves prices for a particular stock, specified as the first argument of the command. In order to receive data for multiple stocks, you need multiple GoogleFinance commands, one for each stock.

Possible implementation:

  • Column A lists the stocks: GOOG, APPL, MSFT, etc.
  • Column B lists today's high, like B2 =GOOGLEFINANCE(A2,"high")
  • Column C lists 26-week high (as explained in my answer; the last option from there should be used to get a single-cell result).

Then, on another sheet, you put

=Query(Sheet1!A:C,"select * where B=C") 

or (to get only the stock symbols without prices)

=Query(Sheet1!A:C,"select A where B=C") 


  • You'll have to obtain and enter (copy/paste) the list of stocks yourself.
  • This is a data-intensive process, especially when many stocks are involved. You will likely find the spreadsheet sluggish, or will encounter an error when a Google server decides you are using too much of their resources.
  • A spreadsheet is not a trader's dashboard and should not be used as one.