Google-sheets – How to search Google Drive for Docs and Sheets

google docsgoogle sheetsgoogle-drive

I have been using Google Drive for several years. At this moment, I have a very robust folder structure there, with many files of various types, altogether more than 13 GB. Now I need to search my Drive for all .gdoc and .gsheet files. With so many files on my Drive, it is almost impossible to do it manually. I know how to search Google Drive for all "text documents" (or for all "spreadsheets") but this gives me also all .docx, .odt, .txt and so on (.xlsx, .ods and so on) files. This is not what I want, I need to filter only .gdoc and .gsheet files.

Best Answer

There's an updated version of this now. You can search by apps, so you can just put:

app:"Google Sheets" 


app:"Google Docs"