Google Sheets – How to Sort by Date

google sheetsregexsorting

Consider the following text in a single column in a spreadsheet:

AAPL 2015 Dec 18 C @ 185.000
AAPL 2016 Mar 18 C @ 160.000

How to sort by date?

I tried extracting the date using regex, but it is a lot of work to convert that to a date object.

Best Answer

Extracting the date with regex, and converting the result with datevalue isn't that much work:

=datevalue(regexreplace(A2, "^\w* (\d+) (\w+) (\d+).*", "$1-$2-$3"))

Then sort by this new column.

Explanation: the three captured groups in the regex are the year, month, and day. The whole string gets replaced by year-month-day, which isn't quite ISO standard (month is in text) but is clear enough for datevalue to convert correctly.