Google Sheets – How to Sort Rows by Value in a Column

google sheets

I have a Google Sheet of data that I would like to organize. There are multiple rows with values sorted by column. I would like to sort rows 3-19 based on the value in column B.

The algorithm I am using is this:

=SORT(3:19, B3:B19, FALSE)

And my error is:

Array result was not expanded because it would overwrite data in B2.

I have looked at this Google Support page but cannot get it to work properly.

Best Answer

You are trying to sort the rows in place, with the output of sort overwriting the original rows. Spreadsheet formulas can't do that.

Instead, put the sort on another sheet. For example, if the original unsorted data is in Sheet1, the formula will be

=SORT(Sheet1!3:19, Sheet1!B3:B19, FALSE)