Google-sheets – How to turn a Google Sheets Duration Result from hours:minutes into just minutes

google sheets

All I'm ultimately trying to do is to get a Duration result in Google Sheets to show up in a "total number of minutes" format vs in its default format of hours:minutes.

For example, if the Duration Result is displayed as "3:15" (meaning 3 hours and 15 minutes). I instead want it to be displayed as "195" (3 hrs x 60 minutes equals 180 plus 15, right?). I need it this way because I want to do calculations off that integer!

For example, if I want to dedicate 25% of my remaining time this afternoon to a task and I only have 195 minutes left, I want to have a formula that can multiply 25% of that remaining time number (in this example, 195) and return a result of 48.75 minutes.

Best Answer

The unit of measure for time representation in Google Spreadsheets is, by default, one day.

Therefore the time duration is in fact represented as a fraction of the day. To obtain the number of minutes, it's necessary to multiply it by 24 hours, then by 60 minutes/hour. Here is an example:

enter image description here

One thing though: when you make a formula like that, by default it will be also formatted as a time duration, and show 0. As the last step you must then format the cell as a number explicitly.