Google Sheets QUERY – How to Show Data Using Tags

formulasgoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-querysearch

I have a Google Sheet with 2 sheets. In sheet 01 I have this table.

enter image description here

In sheet 02 I want to have a "Search by Tag" sheet. So, googling I got this formula

=QUERY('01'!A2:D4, "select B,C,D where A = 'Yellow' order by B")

enter image description here

But I have 2 problems here:

1.- I need the formula to take the data from A2, under "Search Tag". As you can see, I have to write directly the tag name into the formula.

2.- I need the formula to find at least one of the tags in the same cell. For example, if I look for "red", it will show "Red Computer" data.

Best Answer

In your Sheet 02 you should use:

  • cell A2: (Your Search Tag)
  • cell B2: =QUERY('01'!A2:D4, "select B,C,D where A like '%"&A2&"%' order by B",0)