Google Sheets Query – Use Criteria Where Col1 Equals Cell Value


=query(Importrange("1kYkfBoDsJR-sBo5J52lJTXKa-EXoFYPgVPnrRGvOx5A","LastRevision!A5:Y"),"Select * where Col3 = '"&B28&"'",1)
What is wrong with '"&B28&"' instead of just typing the number.
Why its showing error..
'"&B28&"' contains a number which I want to match with the reference column. If I just type the number it works well, but referring to the cell that has the number doesn't work.

Best Answer

Ok. I got it. first I have to convert that into a text in another cell =TEXT('CASES LIST'!C6,"D") then use this cell as reference.. Thanks