Google-sheets – How to use row values in conjunction with columns

google sheets

Let's say I've got a chart and I've got some numbers in the first couple columns. I want the next column, C, to have the numbers from the first two columns added together. I've tried using the ROW() attribute to do this, but I don't know how to apply it to specific columns, and it's tedious to write the column number for every time I want to do this.

Is there any way I can write a universal function that adds the two columns of a certain row together?

   | A | B  | C
  1|1.3|1.4 |=(this row's a column plus this row's b column)
  2|1.2|1.5 |=(this row's a column plus this row's b column)

Best Answer

In C1 and copied down to suit:



Or without copying down:
