Google-sheets – Hyperlinks in Google Sheets

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In Google Sheets, it is possible to add a hyperlink to a cell as:

 =hyperlink("";"search the web")

This will show the text search the web which will hyperlink to Google.

  1. Can this rule be inserting into the middle of a cell?
  2. Is it possible to make a rule like this in your spreadsheet so that anytime you type, "search the web", you automatically get the hyperlink to Google (you don't have to keep adding =hyperlink("";"search the web"))?
  3. If that's possible, is there any way to add a parameter to the URL?

Best Answer

The only sense in which a hyperlink can be placed in the middle of a cell is by centering the cell. If what you mean is a cell containing a hyperlink and also other plain text, that is not currently possible.

Parameters can be used in a URL. A URL is simply a string and can be a constant value or can be built up from functions or other cells. For example:

= hyperlink( "" & B2 )