Google-sheets – Identifying a merged cell in Google Sheets without using a custom function

conditional formattingformattingformulasgoogle sheets

I am using Google Sheets and I am trying to find a way to identify merged cells without using a custom function.

For example, I need to determine (using only the built-in functions) whether any given cell has been merged with another.

The function, or chain or functions, that I would like to find would perform as follows:

  • If C4 has been merged with any other cell, =SOME_FUNCTIONS(C4)=TRUE
  • Otherwise, =SOME_FUNCTIONS(C4)=FALSE

Any thoughts?

(Edited for clarity)

Best Answer

  • if you have such an option you can use Conditional Formatting to check for merged cells where you can immediately spot merged cells where the color pattern is interrupted like:


    enter image description here

  • in the same manner you can use this formula for rows:


    enter image description here