Google-sheets – IF function help in Google Sheets

google sheets

I am using Goobric to grade assignments for my class. Based on my rubric if students score 1-11 they get a U, 11.5-16.5 they get a PP-, 17-22 a PP, 22.5-27.5 a PP+, 28-33 a P, and 33.5-44 an A. (Standards based grading not normal A,B,C,D,F scale)

I made my function so it no longer gives me an error message; however, it is not giving me the result of 0 even though "Y2" is 24.5, is there something wrong with the formula or do I have to type out every single option between 1-11.


Or is there a simpler way to do what I am trying to do and I'm working too hard? Or possibly what I am trying to do can't be done?

Best Answer

The format


is what is causing the problem.

There are two solutions:

  • replace each



... but that is a painful and unnecessary solution.

  • Instead simplify the equation and take advantage of the fact that the if statement only applies the first truth it finds
