Google-sheets – Import cells into the text of another cell preserving quotation marks

formulasgoogle sheets

Well, I did some research but I didn't find what I'm trying to do. I have this text:


I have 4 columns with information in each cell. I need to "import" each cell information inside that, so I would get exactly this:

"en":"Hi", "es":"Hola", "it":"Ciao", "pt":"Olá"

Best Answer

What you need is this:

="en:" & B2 & ", es:" & C2 & ", it:" & D2 & ", pt:" & E2


(following your comment)

To preserve/include quotation marks("), escape/prepend your "s with another ".
In your case you should use:

="""en"":""" & B2 & """, ""es"":""" & C2 & """, ""it"":""" & D2 & """, ""pt"":""" & E2 &""""

enter image description here