Google-sheets – =IMPORTHTML forces content to date format

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I am a beginner with code and formulas here, so I was wondering if anyone could do exactly what was done on this question:

Trying to use Google Sheets importHTML() to import a table. It forces content to a date format

to this table:

In short, IMPORTHTML changes sports records to date format. Changing the numbers format to plain text does not work when importing websites, as the format is preset. However, there is a workaround using the ARRAYFORMULA and REGEXREPLACE. When you open the link scroll down to Aurielle's response for the single formula version. I have tried to implement the workaround for the NFL record link above, but I can't quite find the right formula mostly because, again, I'm a beginner and I don't understand these formulas. I was wondering if anyone understood this better and could give me the correct formula for this specific table of NFL records.

I would greatly appreciate any help!

Best Answer

There are likely to be many solutions to your question. Even in this answer, I would expect that the structure could be simplified - possiblky along the lines of the answer by Rubén in Trying to use Google Sheets importHTML() to import a table. It forces content to a date format. In that answer, Rubén constructed a formula in which column() was a variable. This would be a convenient enhancement to this answer.

The answer is in two parts:

  • Part#1 - variables

    • Cell A1: the URL
    • Cell A2-A12 - (11 cells) contain the XPath for specific elements of the output formulae.
      • A2-Headers: //*[@id="__next"]/div/main/div/div[2]/div/table/thead/tr[1]
      • A3-Team Names: //*/div/main/div/div[2]/div/table/tbody/tr/td[1]
      • A4-Overall: //*/div/main/div/div[2]/div/table/tbody/tr/td[2]
      • A5-Home: //*/div/main/div/div[2]/div/table/tbody/tr/td[3]
      • A6-Away: //*/div/main/div/div[2]/div/table/tbody/tr/td[4]
      • A7-ATS: //*/div/main/div/div[2]/div/table/tbody/tr/td[5]
      • A8-ATS Home: //*/div/main/div/div[2]/div/table/tbody/tr/td[6]
      • A9-ATS-Away: //*/div/main/div/div[2]/div/table/tbody/tr/td[7]
      • A10-Ov/Un: //*/div/main/div/div[2]/div/table/tbody/tr/td[8]
      • A11-Ov/Un:Home //*/div/main/div/div[2]/div/table/tbody/tr/td[9]
      • A12-Ov/Un-Away: //*/div/main/div/div[2]/div/table/tbody/tr/td[10]
  • Part#2 - Output

    • Cell C1 - Headers/Column Titles
      • =importxml(A1,A2)
    • Cell C2 - Team names Column
      • =ARRAYFORMULA(trim(transpose(query(transpose(query({importxml(A1,A3)})),,COLUMNS(query({importxml(A1,A3)}))))))
    • Cells D2-L2 (9 columns) - column data
      • Overall: =arrayformula(substitute(ARRAYFORMULA(SUBSTITUTE(trim(transpose(query(transpose(query({importxml(A1,A4)})),,COLUMNS(query({importxml(A1,A4)})))))," "," → "))," → ",""))
      • Home: =arrayformula(substitute(ARRAYFORMULA(SUBSTITUTE(trim(transpose(query(transpose(query({importxml(A1,A5)})),,COLUMNS(query({importxml(A1,A5)})))))," "," → "))," → ",""))
      • Away: =arrayformula(substitute(ARRAYFORMULA( SUBSTITUTE( trim(transpose(query(transpose(query({importxml(A1,A6)})),,COLUMNS(query({importxml(A1,A6)})))))," "," → ") )," → ",""))
      • ATS: =arrayformula(substitute(ARRAYFORMULA( SUBSTITUTE( trim(transpose(query(transpose(query({importxml(A1,A7)})),,COLUMNS(query({importxml(A1,A7)})))))," "," → ") )," → ",""))
      • ATS Home: =arrayformula(substitute(ARRAYFORMULA( SUBSTITUTE( trim(transpose(query(transpose(query({importxml(A1,A8)})),,COLUMNS(query({importxml(A1,A8)})))))," "," → ") )," → ",""))
      • ATS Away: =arrayformula(substitute(ARRAYFORMULA( SUBSTITUTE( trim(transpose(query(transpose(query({importxml(A1,A9)})),,COLUMNS(query({importxml(A1,A9)})))))," "," → ") )," → ",""))
      • Ov/Un: =arrayformula(substitute(ARRAYFORMULA( SUBSTITUTE( trim(transpose(query(transpose(query({importxml(A1,A10)})),,COLUMNS(query({importxml(A1,A10)})))))," "," → ") )," → ",""))
      • Ov/Un Home: =arrayformula(substitute(ARRAYFORMULA( SUBSTITUTE( trim(transpose(query(transpose(query({importxml(A1,A11)})),,COLUMNS(query({importxml(A1,A11)})))))," "," → ") )," → ",""))
      • Ov/Un Away" =arrayformula(substitute(ARRAYFORMULA( SUBSTITUTE( trim(transpose(query(transpose(query({importxml(A1,A12)})),,COLUMNS(query({importxml(A1,A12)})))))," "," → ") )," → ",""))

URL and XPaths



Highlighted cells indicate a cell containing a formula.


Credit: Max Makhrov: How to use CONCAT in QUERY?