Google-sheets – Importrange when copied to other cells automatically change range

formulasgoogle sheetsimportrange

I am using importrange to pull data from my responses page to my spreadsheet. I have completed the first sheet but I now need to go into the sheet to follow on where sheet one has run out of space. The problem is I have copied the importrange script to all cells in the column, but the range hasn't automatically changed. I want the range to say A2:A2 to change to A3:A3 etc. Can this be done so I don't have to change each one by hand

Here is an example

 =IMPORTRANGE("", "Time!e18:e18")

and I want when copied to the next cell to be

=IMPORTRANGE("", "Time!e19:e19") 

and so on…

Best Answer

  • if you want to drag down the formula use:

    =IMPORTRANGE("1cBaiqy_VZRvM90XHW4doW6phqZO02OgoFdhNN1COgck", "Time!E"&ROW(A18))

  • if you want to drag to the right use:

    =IMPORTRANGE("1cBaiqy_VZRvM90XHW4doW6phqZO02OgoFdhNN1COgck", "Time!E"&COLUMN(R1))