Google Sheets – ImportXML with XPath Not Returning Table Entry

google sheetsimportxmlxpath

Using Google Sheets with IMPORTXML to scrape a piece of information from a website via XPath.

Here's the site (click here).

The specific piece of information I'm trying to extract is the Price/Sales (TTM) number, i.e., 2.97

Here's the XPath (I've tested it using the Google Chrome Extensions XPath Helper and XPather. It works.):


Here's my Google Finance function:

=IMPORTXML( "" , "//div[@id='audit-integrity'][1]/table/tbody/tr[10]/td[2]")

The function doesn't work. Why?

Best Answer

It's because of <tbody>. There is no <tbody> in the HTML source. Browser puts it there (on its own; nothing to do with JavaScript on the page) because it believes it should be there, according to HTML spec.

Just remove /tbody from the path:

=IMPORTXML( "" , "//div[@id='audit-integrity'][1]/table/tr[10]/td[2]")

And in general: when XPath doesn't work, debug by removing all of the selectors, then adding one by one until the formula breaks...