Google-sheets – In Google sheets, how to reduce the bullet point indent size

google sheets

In my Google sheets presentation, I have a table. In some of the cells of that table, I would like to create a bullet-pointed list. Unfortunately, the default bullet point indent size pushes each item in about 25% of the cell, followed by the post-bullet indent. This means the text starts close to halfway through my cell.

My question is, can I adjust the indent size for the bullet points in these lists? Is there a way of creating a themed bullet point with customized indent sizes?

Best Answer

There is a way (most likely updated since last answer)

  1. Select the text box which has a list, click "format options..." in the contextual toolbar (similar to ribbon in MS office apps)
  2. Expand "Text fitting"
  3. Under "Indentation", adjusting "special" fields allows you to customize the indent and bullet formatting.

screenshot of formatting options

Pretty great!