Google Sheets – How to Insert Copied Cells in Google Spreadsheets

google sheets

I'd like to shift a set of cells downward from a selection in Google Spreadsheets. Ideally "insert copied cells" from Excel, but I can live with just the shift part, i.e. insert blank cells, shifting downward.

How can I do this?

Best Answer

Here's my current solution. It inserts a blank area the size of the selection, and shifts the relevant rows downward by one selection-height. The next step is to make it a full-fledged "insert copied cells" feature.

/* NOTE: THIS function does not preserve the semantics of formulas which point at the
   moved data.   
  In this way it is more disruptive than cut-and-paste, 
         which retargets references in existing formulas 
function shiftCellsDown(){
  var SS = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = SS.getActiveSheet();
  var selection = sheet.getActiveSelection();

  var selectedRow = selection.getRowIndex();
  var selectedCol = selection.getColumnIndex();
  var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();

  var width = selection.getWidth();
  var height = selection.getHeight();

  var rangeToBeMoved =sheet.getRange(selectedRow, selectedCol, lastRow-selectedRow+height, width); 
  var dataToBeMoved = rangeToBeMoved.getValues();
  var row =  [];
  for ( var c =0; c< width; c++){
  for ( var r =0; r< height; r++){

  sheet.getRange(selectedRow, selectedCol, dataToBeMoved.length,width).setValues(dataToBeMoved);