Google-sheets – Is it possibile to concatenate with bidimensional arrayformula

concatenateformulasgoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-arrayformulagoogle-sheets-query

I have a table like this:

| Photo1-1 | Photo1-2 | Photo1-3 |          |
| Photo2-1 | Photo2-2 |          |          |
| Photo3-1 | Photo3-2 | Photo3-3 | Photo3-4 |

And I need to output concatenate values in a column like this:

| http:/|http:/|http:/|                                      |
| http:/|http:/|                                                                          |
| http:/|http:/|http:/|http:/| |

I'm using this formula:

=IF(NOT(ISBLANK(E2));arrayformula(CONCATENATE(IF(NOT(ISBLANCK('inventario ebay'!Y5:AC5));
 'inventario ebay'!$Z$2 & 'inventario ebay'!Y5:AC5 & "|";"")));"")

But I would like to use ArrayFormula or something else so I don't need copy/paste it in every cell.

Best Answer

As seen here is possible to do it with this formula (a little modified to suite my question):
