Google Sheets – Plain Text and Link in Same Cell

google sheets

I've got a document that's convenient to keep in a spreadsheet because of calculations, but I also have a significant amount of text that I'd like to keep in the same place. Some of that text involves hyperlinks, preferably in line with plain text, but my attempts at figuring out how to write a formula that prints the output from HYPERLINK() next to plain text have all resulted in parsing errors.

The result I'm looking for is

Google plain text

So far I've tried

=HYPERLINK("", "Google") + plain text
=CONCATENATE(HYPERLINK("", "Google"), plain text)

Google's documentation isn't leading me anywhere.

Best Answer

Since 2020-06-02 it is possible to have multiple links mixed with text - Google Sheets introduced me to this feature. This feature seems to be public (it is not some internal test), since I found it in official documentation:

Tip: You can add multiple links in a single cell in a spreadsheet. To add multiple links > in a cell, highlight the text you want to link. Then, at the top, click Insert link Insert link or press CTRL + k or ⌘ + k on your keyboard.

Adding link to text

Cell correctly renders text with the links. List of links will pop up when cell is selected:

Selected cell with links

Edit: One thing that does not work is preserving this links through expressions. For example i use =FILTER(main!A:M, main!B:B="favourites") to create filtered view. While link only cell displays properly, links mixed with text to not render correctly in this view.