Google Sheets – How to Refer to a Whole Column Using R1C1 Format

google sheets

In Google Spreadsheets I often use A1 notation to refer to a whole column:


For reasons I explain below, I'd like to use R1C1 format, to refer to a whole column, something like:


It's not possible to use A1:A in Excel, so as R1C1 notation originated from Excel, it seems unlikely that its possible to do this in R1C1 notation. If it is, it'd make my life easier.

Background: I have a spreadsheet visits, which pulls information from another spreadsheet data, which has a dynamically changing format.

To get around this, I use a formula to generate an address in a cell, based on the current layout of data. I can then reference this address cell in other formulae using indirect. And it's much easier to generate an address using R1C1 than A1.

Best Answer

Short answer

Yes, it's possible to refer a whole column using R1C1 notation: Use INDIRECT("C1",FALSE)


Google Sheets doesn't include a feature to change the reference notation from A1 to R1C1 but the last could be used with the INDIRECT built-in function.


In a sheet having 1000 rows, the following formula will return 1000