Google-sheets – Is it possible to set dates across a row of cells where each cell date counts back different amounts of weekdays from a completion date

google sheets

I manage digital marketing campaigns from end-to-end, and there are various steps within each campaign's production process that are due certain dates out from and relative to a final launch date, which may be subject to change.

In Google Sheets, I would like to be able to input a launch date and have each step leading up to it display its due date a specific amount of weekdays out from the launch date. If the launch date changes, I would like all the dates in the steps that come before it to change dynamically/automatically with it.

e.g. The launch date is 23-12-2019, but the last step in the process is due one weekday before the launch date, so it must display 20-12-2019; the second last step is due 3 weekdays before the launch date, so it must display 18-12-2019, and so on…

This was once possible in a former role where I used Excel, but I am at a loss for how to set this in Google Sheets. I would then like to set conditional formatting so that if the due date per step arrives, that it turns red, but remains colourless otherwise.

I would appreciate any assistance you can give me.

Best Answer

Dates are stored in Sheets as numbers, and then cosmetically displayed as dates according to your formatting selections. This is great as it makes date math trivial. One day ago? =TODAY()-1 And so on.

Your described need is just slightly different in that you need to only count weekdays. Thankfully, there is an inbuilt Sheets function just for this, WORKDAY. So an example formula to automatically show the Second To Last Step date, 3 days before your manually-entered launch date, could resemble: =WORKDAY(launchDate,-3)

Across all dates, the Conditional Formatting menu choices matching "overdue" would be:
Format Rules → Format cells if:  "Date is before"  "tomorrow"

See: this example sheet. Edit the LAUNCH date to see the other dates and highlighting change as well.

screenshot of example Sheet, with the launch date on a monday, the penultimate date on the friday before, and three earlier milestones highlighted since they're before today, so overdue