Google-sheets – Issue with finding the averages of multiple rows at once

formulasgoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-arrayformulagoogle-sheets-queryregex

I am currently tasked with hundreds of rows of data for a project. I need to take the average of each row, but there are way too many rows for me to do by each individual row. Is there any way to take the average of each of these rows all at once? I really do not want to spend hours doing this tedious calculation.

I attached a picture to give you an idea of what I'm asking for.


Best Answer

  • paste this in E2 cell:

     "select "&REGEXREPLACE(JOIN( , IF(LEN(A2:A),
     "avg(Col"&ROW(A2:A)-ROW(A2)+1&"),", )), ".\z", "")&"")), "select Col2")))
