Google-sheets – Keeping a cell formula set to the same cell even when a row is inserted

excel-onlineformulasgoogle sheets

I have one sheet that needs to pick up singles sells for a lot of other sheets.
On the other sheets I have to change the information each month and I work across the rows so I insert a row at the top of the information each month. e.g on the sheet I pick info up from cell e13 is a formula =b13+c13-d13 and I need to pick up the answer from e13 each month. I want my main sheet to pick up from cell e13 each month and not change to e14.

Does anyone know how I can do this please? The $ does not work and I have also tried a few other things which haven't worked.

Best Answer

Use INDIRECT to reference a specific cell. You can write the sheet/cell references longhand in the formula, or build it using variables.

Let's say that you have a sheet "Working", and a sheet "Main". "Working" has a new row inserted every month; "Main" must maintain a link to "Working" Cell E13 despite the new row.

In the relevant cell of "Main", insert this formula:


This will ALWAYS reference cell E13, regardless of how many rows are inserted on "Working".