Google Sheets – Create Link in Cell Using URL from Another Cell

google sheets

On one worksheet I have a table of data that includes an item name, person name, price, and a URL.

On an overview worksheet in question I use the FILTER formula to list the items by person using the following formula: =FILTER(Data!A2:A14,Data!B2:B14=D2). I would like to have this cell also have be hyperlink to the item (if there is a URL in the found row).

Is this possible without a script? (With enough scripting work I'm sure I can do whatever I want but that feels like the hard way)


I have discovered the HYPERLINK function which seems to be the key but I cannot get it to work.

At first I put the HYPERLINK function on the inside of my filter like this:
=FILTER(HYPERLINK(Data!D2:D40, Data!A2:A40),Data!B2:B40=D2)

However this gave this message: error: Mismatched range lengths

Then I thought to combine the URL and text after the filter like so:

Which worked for the first value in the list but any further cells (that use CONTINUE) are empty.


I was hesitant to do this at first but here is a link to my spreadsheet. Just don't tell my family what I'm getting them lol. I went ahead and made a copy so don't worry about messing it up. You can see my attempt at it along a manually created example of what I want it to look like.

Best Answer

You were so close !!!!!!!!

Use the following formula.




The ARRAYFORMULA will take on the ranges, set in the filter, and return the matches.