Google-sheets – Look for a value that might be in many columns

formulasgoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-arrayformulavlookup

Say I have a value in $A, to match to another sheet of the same file. That value (in this case, a student id) might appear in many columns of the other sheet.

In the following example, I am looking for the ID in $A2, and trying to match it to the value in columns D, F or H (all of the IDs on a work done in groups of three) then get back the grade (column L)


Is there a better way? Right now this is cumbersome enough that I feel the need to use a script to generate these formulas

Best Answer

You could exploit the powers of SUMPRODUCT, much beyond lookups. Once you get used to it, it is fantastic. For your entertainment, I would boast of some examples below...

Try the following formula instead: =SUMPRODUCT((1-(1-($A2='ac6'!$D:$D))*(1-($A2='ac6'!$F:$F))*(1-($A2='ac6'!$H:$H)))*('ac6'!$L:$L)).

The trick of using (1 - (1 - cond1) * (1 - cond2) * ...) is to have logical OR behaviour among conditions. Using (cond1) * (cond2) * ...) gives you logical AND behaviour. And you could perform any logical computation by mixing these.
