Google-sheets – Need to create a formula with the operand in a different cell in Google Sheets

formulasgoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-query

For eg .

Existing formula which works
Query(A4:K,"Select A Where I = > 0.3")

should be replaced by
Query(A4:K,"Select A Where I = "&N1&"")

with cell N1 containing value '>0.3'

Appreciate any help

Best Answer

= > is not a valid operator the following operators are valid <=, <, >, >=, =, !=, <>

Your first code should look like this

Query(A4:K,"Select A Where I >= 0.3")

Your second code would look like this (Assuming N1 contains >0.3)

Query(A4:K,"Select A Where I "&N1)