Google-sheets – Page breaks/page view similar to Excel in Google Sheets

google sheets

In Excel you can turn on "page view" mode which allows you to see where the page breaks are in a document, and insert header and footers. This is very useful for being able to generate invoices as you can get an idea of how a page looks before you turn it into a PDF.

Is this possible in Google Spreadsheets? I'm aware that you can't set a header and footer, which is okay for me, but I'd like to be able to know where the page breaks were.

Best Answer

Short answer

At this time is not possible, please submit a feature request by using Google Feedback.


To submit a feature request by using Google Feedback from a Google spreadsheet do the following:

  1. Open a spreadsheet on Google Sheets
  2. Click on Help > Report a problem
  3. Fill up the feedback form and submit it.
