Google-sheets – Paste format only in Google Spreadsheets with Chrome as the browser

google sheetskeyboard shortcuts

I want a working keyboard shortcut for Google Spreadsheets, that lets me paste just the formatting. Google says the shortcut for copying just the formatting is Cmd+Alt+C, and pasting just the formatting is Cmd+Alt+V.

However, Cmd+Alt+C opens up the Chrome Dev Tools panel. And, perhaps because of this, Cmd+Alt+V doesn't do anything. I don't actually think the "copy just format" is necessary — you only need the special paste functionality. But using the standard Cmd+C to copy a cell and then trying Cmd+Alt+V doesn't do anything.

The "Paint Format" button also does what I want, but there is no keyboard shortcut for that.

I would be happy to create a custom Chrome extension to achieve this, but my initial attempt (simply trigger a click event on the corresponding menu item element) didn't work — not for paste format nor paint format.

Looking for any kind of solution that ultimately lets me use a keyboard shortcut to paste cell formatting.

Best Answer

cmd + c then,

cmd + alt + v

works for me on a Mac.

Ctrl + C then,

Ctrl + Alt + V

works on Windows