Google-sheets – Protect Formatting (Validation)

google sheets

I have a very complicated tool that I developed that produces a mass amount of information. Technically, the whole sheet should be a database drive website. However, it is a spreadsheet:

Spreadsheet as database running a game

The entire tab is protected against modification with the exception of Cell B1-E1 (Merged). This cell uses data validation from the tab "Families!A:A". My problem appears to be that non-english speaking people are playing the game and using some other source for their selection and pasting it into the field. When they paste, it overwrites the formatting and data validation for that field and breaks the sheet.

At least twice a day I have to reset the format for that cell. Is there a way to protect the cell so that they may only select from the drop down?

Best Answer

You could tell them to use the paste special option when they paste... Might not be possible in your case but I came across your problem because I was having a similar problem - except that it is a small group of people I know who are doing the pasting so I can give them special instructions...