Google-sheets – Protect spreadsheet against duplicate data and sheet addition/deletion

google sheetsgoogle-apps-scriptgoogle-sheets-data-validation

There are some people that love to troll and spam my Google spreadsheet with useless info. Google Sheet lacks granular permission restriction.

I need to prevent duplicate data from being submitted. I can prevent manual duplicate data entry by setting Data Validation with a custom formula:


However, this only prevents manual data entry. If users fill the cells down, or if they copy and paste data into multiple cells, Data Validation won't work.

I also need to prevent them from adding new sheets or deleting an entire sheet.

How can I achieve this?

Best Answer

  • you can lock down the spreadsheet:

  • you can protect the sheets

  • if you need users to be able to make input then create a new spreadsheet for them with some instructions how to behave and then filter out gathered data with QUERY or FILTER and import them to your spreadsheet with IMPORTRANGE from where all the email action will happen