Google-sheets – Publish spreadsheet as Atom/RSS not possible in Google Apps for Business

atomgoogle sheetsgoogle-appsrss

I am trying to publish a Google spreadsheet as an RSS feed using Google Chrome. When I go to FilePublish to web and then go to Get a link to the published data, the option Atom/RSS feed is not listed.

When I try to use my personal Gmail account, this feature is visible but when I use the business one it does not work. Also, please note that I am the admin of the account so I don't think it is an issue of rights.

Can you tell me how to publish it as an Atom/RSS feed, please?

Best Answer

Only the older spreadsheets that were not been migrated yet could be published as RSS.

It's worth to say that older spreadsheets will be migrated over 2015. See Upgrading older spreadsheets to new Google Sheets for further details.