Google-sheets – Pull information about each game from

google sheetsimportxmlxpath

I am trying to create a Google Sheet to combine several peoples' board game collections. I want the sheet to pull information about each game from

Example Page:

I want to pull information from this page such as the average rating (7.1, in this case), the number of players, playing time, ages, weight, etc.

I'm trying to use the following formula to pull the weight from the page:

=IMPORTXML("","//*[contains(concat( ' ', @class, ' ' ), concat( ' ', 'gameplay-weight-light', ' ' ))]")

I used the SelectorGadget extension for Chrome to get the XPath. I have successfully used it in similar formulas to get information from other websites, but when I try to pull from boardgamegeek, I get an

Error: Imported Content is Empty.

Based on what I've read, I think the issue is that the things I'm trying to pull from the page are not static, they are calculated from another source, and I need to find that source page. However, I can't seem to find any direction on how to find the page I would need. If anyone could point me in the right direction (or point out something I'm doing wrong with my formula) I would greatly appreciate it!

Best Answer

Some tools that give the xPath are able to read the DOM of the related page after it was modified but IMPORTXML is only able to read the source code of the page. In these cases, you should use another tool or manually find out the xPath.
