Google-sheets – IMPORTRANGE #REF! Error

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-queryimportrange

I'm trying to run a query (IMPORTRANGE) formula in a new Google sheet. The data I'm trying to load is from another sheet. The source sheet contains 6,000 rows and 12 columns. I tried:

=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("SHEET_KEY","Sheet1!A:C"),"select Col1")

The result is #REF! and when I hover over the cell there is no additional information.

I also tried the IMPORTRANGE formula separately and it's loading the data correctly. I tried the exact same query in a new tab in the source sheet:

=QUERY(Sheet1!A:C,"select A")

and the data was loaded successfully, however I need to run the query formula in a new Google sheet.

Best Answer

I'm not sure, but it could be some sort of glich.

This post may help you.

I had similiar problems. I tried doing this:

  1. refreshing page
  2. changing range in the formula to force it recalculate: "Sheet1!A:C""Sheet1!A1:C6000"
  3. Also found smart way to make it with iferror: iferror(IMPORTRANGE("SHEET_KEY","Sheet1!A:C"))

If this won't help, please give example file.