Google-sheets – Quickly scroll to the last row with data in Google Sheets on a Mac

google sheetsgoogle-apps-scriptkeyboard shortcuts

I have a Google Spreadsheets where I log some data with time stamps. It's getting really long. Every time I open it up, I have to scroll all the way to the bottom and find where I left off. I tried How to move to the last active row in a Google Spreadsheets, but it didn't work.

Is there a way to quickly jump to the last row where data was entered, so I don't have to always scroll all the way to the bottom?

Best Answer

There are shortcut navigation keys here including navigation keys for a Mac:

Move to beginning of row                Fn + Left arrow  
Move to beginning of sheet              ⌘ + Fn + Left arrow  
Move to end of row                      Fn + Right arrow  
Move to end of sheet                    ⌘ + Fn + Right arrow  
Scroll to active cell                   ⌘ + Backspace  
Move to next sheet                      ⌘ + Shift + Fn + Down arrow  
Move to previous sheet                  ⌘ + Shift + Fn + Up arrow  
Display list of sheets                  Option + Shift + k  
Open hyperlink                          Option + Enter  
Open Explore                            Option + Shift + x  
Move focus out of spreadsheet           Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift + m  
Move to quicksum
(when a range of cells is selected)     Option + Shift + q  
Move focus to popup
(for links, bookmarks, and images)      holding Ctrl + ⌘, press e then p  
Open drop-down menu on filtered cell    Ctrl + ⌘ + r  
Open revision history                   ⌘ + Option + Shift + h  
Open chat inside the spreadsheet        Shift + Esc  
Close drawing editor                    ⌘ + Esc  
                                        Shift + Esc

So maybe ⌘ + Fn + Right arrow and if that takes you too far to the right, follow up with Fn + Left arrow.