Google-sheets – Reference entire row data or row-by-value from other sheets

google sheetsgoogle-appsimportrange

I've a Google Spreadsheet where my first sheet is a Products table.
The columns are SKU, Title, Price, Category, Type

I've some tasks in front of me where I need to create some bundles of different products. These varieres in number of products and categories and types.

I don't know if this is possible with the Spreadsheet app or I have to find alternative methods but I would love if I could reference e.g. the SKU number or the Title instead of my Sheet cell.

So, in a new sheet called Bundle 01: Texture instead of saying =Products!A4 I somehow reference =Products!SKU015 and then the entire row from Products is inserted.
I can make calculations and aggregates on the price/total price and other variables and should I change a Product row in **Products sheet* it will automatically update across all sheets in that spreadsheet.

Beside the benefits listed above it would also create an easy and quick overview of each bundle, both for myself but also for other actors which have interest in these.

The closets I've come to using data across one spreadsheet is but this is just a reference to the cell.

Any help is deeply appreciated.

Best Answer

It seems that the OP (Mestika) was needing named ranges.