Google Forms – How to Reset Responses

google sheetsgoogle-forms

I want to reuse a GoogleDocs Form, with (almost) the same Form, but with fresh Responses.

I did copy it, but I don't know how to reset responses (not reseting the form itself, i.e. Form/Delete Form).

I manually erased the previous entries. However, they are still treated as entries with values set to ''.

Is there a way to do it?

Best Answer

You should be able to get a 'fresh' form by deleting the entry rows. That is, select the entire row by clicking the row number(s), right-click, and choose Delete row.


I just did the following test case:

  1. Create a simple form
  2. Submit a response
  3. In the spreadsheet, select the response row, right-click, delete row
  4. Submit a new response

Result: The second response posted in #4 is listed on the first row. The response summary shows only one response.