Google Sheets – Restructure (Flatten) Data in a New Table

formulasgoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-arrayformula

Column A of my Google Spreadsheet contains dates, columns B to G contain numeric values, line 1 contains the header names. Due to automatic updates the line count varies, but the column count is static.

enter image description here

Is there a way to change the format of my tabel to:

enter image description here

I want every pair of A + (B to G) in a new table below the each other. In the new table column A should contain the dates, B the header name of the source table column, C and D empty and the values of the source table column in column E.

The new table should update automatically after the source table gets updated. Since the line count varies with every update, I unfortunately have no clue and any help is much appreciated.


Thank you very much for your help, highly appreciated. I made one change to marikamitsos solution to work with any number of rows in the source table:

ArrayFormula(SPLIT(INDIRECT("SourceData!A2:A"&$K$2)&"@"&SourceData!$G$1&"@@@"&INDIRECT("SourceData!F2:G"&$K$2);"@";1;0)) }

In $K$2 i put:

=ROWS(FILTER(SourceData!A:A; NOT(ISBLANK(SourceData!A:A)))

Best Answer

Please use the following formula

={ArrayFormula(SPLIT( A2:A8&"@"&$B$1&"@@@"&B2:B8,"@",1,0)); 
  ArrayFormula(SPLIT( A2:A8&"@"&$C$1&"@@@"&C2:C8,"@",1,0));
  ArrayFormula(SPLIT( A2:A8&"@"&$D$1&"@@@"&D2:D8,"@",1,0));
  ArrayFormula(SPLIT( A2:A8&"@"&$E$1&"@@@"&E2:E8,"@",1,0));
  ArrayFormula(SPLIT( A2:A8&"@"&$F$1&"@@@"&F2:F8,"@",1,0));
  ArrayFormula(SPLIT( A2:A8&"@"&$G$1&"@@@"&G2:G8,"@",1,0)) }

enter image description here

How the formula works:

We use the ampersand & to concatenate the cells in each row as well as the header of the columns.
We also use a non-common character like @ in this case and SPLIT to next separate them again

ArrayFormula(SPLIT( A2:A8&"@"&$B$1&"@@@"&B2:B8,"@",1,0))

We use @@@ to intercept the formula and create the empty columns.
We repeat the above for each column and finally stack all the created arrayformulas using the semicolon ;.

Functions used: