Google Sheets Formulas – Displaying Results of Formulas in the Same Cell

formulasgoogle sheets

I have a weekly tracking sheet which I'm trying to get the result of 2 averages next to each other in the same cell.

Column B has a number value in each cell for each day of a week
Column G has a number value in each cell for each day of a week
In a cell in column A I want to display the averages of each of the cells from these columns for the last 7 days next to each other with a label.

The formula I have so far in the cell I want to display is:


I've got it to display the values but all in a continuous string and the first average result has lots of decimal places after even though when it is in a cell by itself it shows as 1 which is correct, I can't seem to change this?

I also want to add a label to each of the results with the final result in the single cell being:

Weight:result1 Calories:result2 

Hope that makes sense if someone can suggest what I need to tweak to get the right display that would be great.

Best Answer

You can use round() to choose how many decimals to show, and the & operator to concatenate text strings and numbers into one text string, like this:

="Weight: " & round(average(C34:C40), 2) & " Calories: " & round(average(G34:G40), 2)