Google-sheets – Return multiple rows with same value in first column

google sheets

I'm working on a document that I would like to have a sheet that searches another sheet for a specific value that I type in (a name) and return content from all of the rows that have that value in their first column. Similar to vlookup, but include not just the content from the first row found.

In my document, the desired formulas will be on "lookup" and "example" is an example of how I would like it to function.

Best Answer

filter works, but with query you can get all needed columns with one command:

=query(Notes!A2:E, "select B, D, E where A = '"&B1&"'") 

The messy end of query string is arranged so that if B1 contains Student Name, the query becomes "select B, D, E where A = 'Student Name'"