Google-sheets – Script to Duplicate Template Tab Multiple Times and Rename Tabs from Cell Range

google sheetsgoogle-apps-script

Basically, I have a list of 200 people's names in the range 'Names'!A1:A200. I have another tab named Template. I need a script to duplicate Template 200 times and rename each of the tabs to the name of each of the people in the range 'Names'!A1:A200. Is this possible?

Best Answer

function onOpen() {
    SpreadsheetApp.getUi().createMenu('My Menu')
        .addItem('Create New Tabs', 'createTabs')
function createTabs() { var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive() ss.getSheetByName('Names').getRange('A:A').getValues().filter(String) .forEach(function (sn) { if (!ss.getSheetByName(sn[0])) { ss.insertSheet(sn[0], ss.getSheets().length);}})}

This script will create a new custom menu/submenu with the option to create new tabs/sheets. The usage is: create a new sheet and rename it to Names and then populate column A with desired names


and then go to My Menu and select Create New Tabs

enter image description here

and for template copy/duplication you may want to check: