Google-sheets – Searching Multiple Columns From Single Source Sheet in Google Sheets

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-filter

I have a Sheet where I have all of my data entered. I have been able to filter the information to other sheets no issues when only searching in one column. I am having issues when trying to search 2 columns at the same time.

On the Source Page, I have my date listed under the following headers: Player Name (A), OVR (B), Series (C), Primary (D), Secondary (E), Bats (F), Throws (G), How To Acquire (H), Team of Card (I) & Teams Played For (J).

For most sheets, I have been able to use the following formulae:


My issue comes from when I try to search both Primary and Secondary at the same time. I was able to use a query that searched both columns but am unable to do using SEARCH.

Best Answer

It is always challenging (and sometimes impossible) to provide meaningful answers based on snippets of information. However, given what you've shared here, try setting up your two-column search the same way as your one-column search, but structure the SEARCH portions this way:

SEARCH(ColD parameters) + SEARCH(ColE parameters)

The + serves as an OR.