Google-sheets – Selecting row with best value for items with several versions/upgrades

formulasgoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-arrayformulagoogle-sheets-queryvlookup

I'm sure my problem is quite simple to solve, but I've been on it for a while and I could use some help.

I have a huge table, but the problem boils down to this: some items have 2 versions (one normal and one upgraded), and I'd like to be able to show only the best version of an item (upgraded if it exists, the normal one otherwise).

Example table:

Name       | Value | Type
Tool A     | 50    | Tool A
Tool A [U] | 75    | Tool A
Tool B     | 100   | Tool B
Tool C     | 200   | Tool C
Tool B [U] | 150   | Tool B

And I'd like to get

Name       | Value | Type
Tool A [U] | 75    | Tool A
Tool C     | 200   | Tool C
Tool B [U] | 150   | Tool B

Note: there can only be one upgrade, and the base version of the "tool" always exists if that helps.

I can easily select the best value for tool A, B or C, but selecting the name (and other properties) with it is the problem.

I tried something like SELECT A, MAX(B), C GROUP BY C, but it's throwing errors back at me.

Best Answer

={"Name", "Value", "Type"; 
 "select Col4,Col1,Col2,Col3 
  where Col2 is not null 
  order by Col2 desc", 0), {1,2,3,4}, 0)), 
 "select Col3,Col4,Col1 
  where Col1 is not null 
  order by Col2"))}